Patrick Kierkegaard

Patrick Kierkegaard
Citizenship Denmark
Fields Health Informatics, Computer Science
Institutions University of Copenhagen
Known for Electronic health record; Medical Informatics; Video game controversy

Patrick Kierkegaard is a researcher at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen.[1][2] His research covers a wide range of topics within the field of information technology and healthcare systems, including computer-supported cooperative work and information technology law. He has written papers on various aspects within information technology and its social impact, such as healthcare and ICT, video gaming and intellectual property.[3] His original studies on healthcare and video gaming have been widely covered by the press and cited in numerous publications.[4] [5][6][7][8][9][10]

He currently serves as an executive board member of the International Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL) and is part of the organizing committee of the annual IAITL Legal Conference series.[11] He is also a member of the Centre for Communication and Computing at the University of Copenhagen.[12] He has conducted research within the field of video games and has been invited as an expert speaker on the topic of video game violence at various conferences and policy workshops Strategic analysis center (France).[13]

Selected Publications


  1. ^ "Research staff, University of Copenhagen". University of Copenhagen. 
  2. ^ "HCC Research staff, University of Copenhagen". University of Copenhagen. 
  3. ^ "Publications List". Publications. Retrieved 30 December 2011. 
  4. ^ "Could Violent Video Games Reduce Rather Than Increase Violence?. ScienceDaily.". 
  5. ^ "'Modest' evidence that video games cause violent behaviour, The Telegraph". 
  6. ^ "Research says video games cut violence, The Metro". 
  7. ^ "Video games and violence - mere 'speculation', The Globe and Mail". 
  8. ^ "Tiga praises new game violence research". 
  9. ^ "Machen "Killerspiele" friedfertig?, Der Tagesspiegel". 
  10. ^ ""Killerspiele" Gewaltauslöser oder harmloser Zeitvertreib?, FOCUS Online". 
  11. ^ "IAITL Conference". IAITL Legal Conference. Retrieved 30 December 2011. 
  12. ^ "Centre for Communication and Computing, University of Copenhagen". 
  13. ^ "Jeux vidéo: Addiction ? Induction ? Régulation.". Le Centre d'analyse strategique. 

External links